<%@LANGUAGE="VBSCRIPT" CODEPAGE="1252"%> <% Response.CacheControl="no-cache" Response.AddHeader "Pragma","no-cache" Response.Expires=0 Set Conexao = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Connection") Conexao.Open = db Set Rs = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.RecordSet") sql = "" sql = sql & " Select ID, show, datashow, hora, setor, preco, censura, resumo, imagem, textoextra, diaf, mesf, anof " sql = sql & " FROM shows " sql = sql & " WHERE IDidioma = 1 " if validatxt(Request("ID")) = "" then response.Redirect("default.asp") else sql = sql & " AND ID = "&validatxt(Request("ID"))&" " end if Rs.Open SQL, Conexao, 3, 3 if DateValue(rs(10)&"/"&rs(11)&"/"&rs(12)) < date() then response.Redirect("default.asp") end if %> Via Funchal

<% if Rs(9) <> "" then %>
<%=replace(Rs(9), vbcrlf, "

<% end if %> <% if Rs(2) <> "" then %><% end if %> <% if Rs(3) <> "" then %> <% end if %>
Time: <%=Rs(3)%>

<% if Rs(4) <> "" then %>
<%=replace(Rs(4), vbcrlf, "
<%=replace(Rs(5), vbcrlf, "
<% end if %> <% if Rs(6) <> "" then %>
Age: <%=Rs(6)%>
<% end if %>

<% if Rs(7) <> "" then %> <% else %> More info and news coming soon <% end if %> <%=replace(Rs(7), vbcrlf, "


<% Conexao.Close() Set Conexao = Nothing Set Rs = Nothing %>